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The UK's largest digital collection of social sciences and population research data

Data management planning for ESRC data-rich investments

This project, funded under Jisc's Managing Research Data Programme, increased the data management and sharing capability of research hubs within the social sciences through support and training.

In this project the UK Data Archive worked with ESRC Research Centres and Programmes to expand the implementation of data management planning procedures, enable effective data management practices and increase individual and institutional data management and sharing capacity in research 'hubs'.

The project assessed existing practices and helped develop and implement through-the-lifecyle effective data management planning practices, including building capacity. Examples of effective data management practices and existing expertise from the UK Data Archive were used to develop best practice guidance and tools.

The longer-term aim of this project was to engage with challenging and sensitive aspects of archiving and sharing. This embraces: informed consent; confidentiality; the ethics of sharing; copyright; the implications of using secondary data; enhancing data; preservation formats; storage; security; and back-up. Ultimately, not only will debate and coordinating strategies on these issues improve the quality of data, they will also improve research training in the UK.

A number of training events were held with centres and as part of the Jisc Programme during the 18-month period.

Archive contribution

The Research Data Management Support Services section of the UK Data Archive directed and managed this project as part of their wider remit to provide bespoke research data management support and training for social sciences researchers and research centres. ESRC were partners in this work and provided support for liaison with Centres and Programmes. The team worked closely with the following ESRC research centres and programmes:

Principal Investigator: Louise Corti
Funders: Jisc, ESRC
Dates: January 2010 - May 2011
Contact: Research Data Management