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Quantitative data subsets

Our work with the Research Data Alliance Data Citation Working Group helped us to consider the best way to cite subsets of data - for example, via the UK Data Service's numeric online data access systems such as Nesstar and UKDS.Stat.

In 2014, a unified citation approach was proposed for the scientific data community.

While the tabulation and subset citation text has not yet been finalised, we propose:

{author} {year of publication of data collection} {title of tabulation or interview (optional)} {link to tabulation or interview} [Tabulation or Interview]. In {rest of citation for data collection including link to DOI}

Example in Nesstar

For Nesstar, an online survey data browsing tool, when a crosstab or a subset selected for download is chosen, the system URI is persistent, in that a user can replicate the subset download or table. These dynamic URIs can be used in conjunction with the collection-level DataCite DOI (the persistent identifier for the whole data collection).

Clarke, H. et al. (2014.)
. In British Election Study Nine-Wave Panel Survey, 2005-2010 [data collection]. 2nd Edition. UK Data Service. SN: 6607, DOI: 10.5255/UKDA-SN-6607-2

As many of the data are behind an authentication wall, access to these subsets will require authentication.

Example in UKDS.Stat

A subset of data can be saved as a bespoke query table within UKDS.Stat. This example URI links to just such a table, created from the OECD Education Statistics for Tertiary-type A and advanced research programmes (Graduates) across a 14-year period for a range of countries. This link will always query and display the most recent edition of the data. Authentication and registration is required to access the data:

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (2013). Graduates by field of education In OECD Education Statistics [data collection] Edition: 2013. UK Data Service. SN: 5588, DOI: 10.5257/oecd/educ/2018-09